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Sunday, May 15, 2011

I love so much the very different individuals that my grands are growing into. Just as I watched, nurtured and tried very hard not to overdirect the direction of my kiddos, I seem to only try to instruct when the behaviors are harmful to others or make such an impact socially that it will be harder on the little ones to not when watching them explore their nasal cavaties with their finger of choice.

I love too that each is developing at quote-unquote normal rate. While they seem to each have areas where they are excelling, they are not too far off the norm to keep any of us from worrying. Payton has learned how to color within the lines, while Madeline is still in the process of defying all of the lines.

Payton is verbal, and wordy not unlike her grandma, Maddie on the other had is working very hard on mimmick, follow and repeat. Neither behavior is too far off from where they should be, and can often be very amusing!

I love too that as I watch them move past the two year milestone, and head for their threes, I am reminded how much I enjoyed being a mom to my 5. That is not to confer that I no longer am their mom, but just to remind me that I have moved into another phase as well. I am more cheerleader than mother, more spectator than disciplinarian, more friend and than hen.

On a recent trip to help in a photo shoot that Payton was invited to be a part of, I saw aspects of her shyness not usually a part of our everyday life. She seemed a bit overwhelmed by activity that she used to just step right into without a hiccup. I can remember one photo shoot where I took her and the comment by the photographer "could you have her teach all the other kids how to do this?" I simply chuckled and said no, she did seem to have the "model"thing down to an art.

This most recent trip she seemed a bit shy and not as at ease as before, but with her ready smile and her tenacious "im gonna do it my way" attitude the photos caught the best moments of all...she was simply just being herself.

I love both of these babies more than I could have ever known that I would, but then most new grand mothers probably say and feel the same thing. It is like the love that you sent out with your kids to hold them and keep them, came back 100 fold. I can hardly wait to see what great-grand parenting will bring...but tell Pay and Madd, that doesnt mean I am in a hurry to find out!

They are picture perfect, they are my smile and my heart!